Privjesak je izrađen od drveta i ukrašene su srebrenom žicom. Preko naušnica se nalazi visoko kvalitetni zaštitni sloj koji ih štiti od oštećenja i vlage. Ova tehnika izrade nakita se zove inkrustacija.

Pendant is made from wood and decorated with silver wire. Above is high quality protective layer that protects it from damage and water. This jewelry making technique called incrustation or inlay.

Dimenzije (Dimensions): 34 x 34 x 5  mm

Težina (Weight):           6,3 gr

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Filigree Engraving Shop „Bećart“

Gazi Husref-begova 30, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

+387 62 503 775 (Viber & WhatsApp)

+387 61 245 622,

Bank account 3386902296208753 UniCredit Bank